Open your heart and listen to God's words.
I'll update the links when they're available.
President Eyring: The best advice for those who want a happy family life is to love God with all our hearts and love others as ourselves. It is only with the companionship of the Holy Ghost that we can be equally yoked within a marriage free from discord. There is joy guaranteed for the faithful.
Elder Oaks: Is God our ultimate priority? God's way is the right way, regardless of what the world "legalizes". Courage!
Sister Oscarson: Choose you this day whom ye will serve. Being truly converted. We need to first live a principle before we become converted to that principle.
Elder Maynes: The Atonement will help us successfully endure life's challenges. Keeping our testimonies "in shape".
Elder Scott: Christ's Atonement brings personal strength to the lives of the children of God. It will help us overcome our sins and our weaknesses. Repentance is the hope-filled path to a more glorious future. Fill your life with service to others. (One thing that stuck out to me was when he said that the spiritual development of our spouse and children should be a high priority.)
President Monson: A tribute to his beloved wife and how his knowledge of the gospel has strengthened him in her passing. "Shall I falter? Or shall I finish?" In life's challenges, will we keep the faith like Job? Making the gospel of Jesus Christ the center of our lives will pull us through. Our difficulties will allow us to make our lives better and allow us to become more spiritually refined.
Elder Cook: How to avoid many types of bondage (uses many words of Jeremiah). Preserving time for family, family values, and family relationships. We must work to improve the moral culture that surrounds us.
Elder Andersen: "We can live every hour blessed by the strength of priesthood power no matter our circumstance." (Another great response to the "ordain women" movement. Spot on.) "The blessings of the priesthood are infinitely greater than the one who has been asked to administer the gift." Gender is an essential characteristic, and sacred responsibilities are given to each gender. Things we know about the priesthood.
Elder McConkie: How to be a good teacher. God Speaks. "What would the Savior say if He were teaching my class today, and how would He say it?" The most important part of a teacher's service is their own daily spiritual preparation. You must have both the word and the power of the gospel in your life. If we will listen with spiritual ears, the spirit will tell us what they need to hear.
Elder Hamilton: Continually hold fast to the iron rod by making, keeping, and renewing covenants and repenting when we fall short. The purpose of each church meeting. Observing the Sabbath by attending all Sunday meetings.
Elder Ochoa: Pay attention to the signs of our times, and don"t forget to look up. Cautions us about the filth that can be found on the internet- "by their fruits ye shall know them".
Elder Vinson: We can turn to our Father in Heaven in times of need. We need to trust Him.
Elder Nelson: We should appreciate life and the human body in all its many stages. Our decisions about how we use and care for our bodies will determine our eternal destiny. The importance of self mastery and controlling our appetites within the bounds God sets. "Freedom from self-slavery is true liberation." Marriage is between a man and a woman, and gender is crucial for our eternal identities and purposes. (Sidenote: I LOVE how happy and positive he is all the time.)
President Monson: Closing remarks, his blessings and hopes for us, and his testimony.
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