My weekend so far...
I was walking on campus the other day and a deer ran right in front of me. It stopped about 5 yards away from me. I stopped and took pictures to prove that a deer ran right in front of me on campus...not in the mountains, on campus.
Then I went to Murray and spent the night with Annie and Whitney (my cousins.) Sherie and Paul are out of town for the weekend, so Whitney was babysitting Annie. I went up for fun. :)
Then tonight after I finished a huge homework project I went and spent the evening at Bryan's house... well, the Merrill's house I suppose... Bryan's not home yet.
But, he comes home Monday... and guess what...
I'm very excited.
Annie looks so mad in the first one! Oh, and yay for Bryan coming home tomorrow! Now all we will hear about are the wedding plans, ugh (jk).